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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

5 New Characters Coming To Legends of Tomorrow

At time of writing, Legends of Tomorrow has managed to clear its first major hurdle by completing its 2-part pilot in spectacular fashion.  The team is assembled, the characters are fun and engaging, and the fight scenes spectacular, and the stakes have never been higher within the realm of the CW.  Now that the opening salvo has been fired Legends of Tomorrow is settling in for the long haul, planning a full season’s worth of time travel throughout the crazy corners of DC’s past and introducing even more weird heroes of the DC universe. 

This has always been CW’s greatest strength, a complete embrace of the weirdest and most obscure elements of DC continuity without a hint of irony or self-consciousness over the strangeness of the characters they’re adapting.  That incredible confidence of adaptation seems to be coming to a head now as CW announces 5 new characters to appear in Legends of Tomorrow, some logical like Jonah Hex or Sergeant Rock while other likes Hourman the third and Ma Hunkle are as strange a choice as comic book adaptations are allowed to make nowadays. 

I’ve spoken on Jonah Hex before so I’ll keep this one a bit shorter.  Jonan Hex was a DC cowboy hero from the ‘70s when DC was reviving a lot of their ‘50s western comics in an effort to diversify their output.  A former confederate soldier before he deserted, Hex became a bounty hunter after the civil war and receiving a nasty scar over half of his face.  For better or worse Hex is the face of DC westerns, which are in all honesty a lot better than Marvel’s handful of western attempts.  His inclusion isn’t that surprising given this is a time travel and would suggest folks like El Diablo, Batlash, Pow Wow Smith, Super Chief, or Nighthawk aren’t far behind. 

Interestingly, Hex was briefly revived in the ‘80s for a mini-series entitled Hex, in which he was transported into a distant and apocalyptic future in the vein of Mad Max.  I’m not totally convinced that will happen here but given the set-up is literally “Jonah Hex and time travel” meeting up again I wouldn’t be surprised if he found himself stranded in the future once Legends of Tomorrow wraps up. 

Another character I’ve addressed before but if you want the full story that’s what links are for.  Premiering in 1959 as the birth of a new age of war comics, now informed by a harsher view of World War 2, Rock served as the face of DC’s wide line of war comics.  He was meant as a sort of everyman soldier leading Easy Company through the embittered terrain of Europe and North Africa against the Nazi menace.  Sergeant Rock is the prototypical war hero, the archetype from which all others are cut whether knowingly or not.  He’s gruff, he’s tough, he’s got a secret heart of gold, and he always gets the job done no matter the cost. 

Like Jonah Hex, his inclusion is probably paving the road for more esoteric war characters like Haunted Tank, The Losers, Gravedigger, Unknown Soldier and plenty of others.  DC spent the better part of the ‘60s perfecting war stories and I’m surprised it’s taken this long for someone to bring them to life.  Rock later returned as the leader of the Suicide Squad but given DC Entertainment’s moratorium on using them outside the films I doubt they’ll show up.  Still, if Rock’s involvement is set-up for a Dirty Dozen type situation starring the Legends of Tomorrow I wouldn’t complain. 

This is one of the stranger characters to talk about, mainly because there have been a lot of Sandman variations in DC’s history and the most popular one isn’t the one we’re talking about here.  Classically, most folks know Sandman as the lord of dreams from Neil Gaiman’s Sandman comic.  However, the original Sandman was a crime buster created in the wake of Batman’s smash debut in 1939.  Like a lot of heroes at the time, Sandman was a gritty urban vigilante who fought pulpy street crime with a handful of gadgets to augment his true grit and fisticuffs.  His big gimmick was a gas gun and gas mask that he used to spray his opponents with knockout gas. 

Sandman has popped up sporadically throughout DC continuity, even getting a brief costume redesign that hopefully won’t appear in Legends of Tomorrow.  As far as when Sandman might appear he’ll probably be situated in either the ‘30s or ‘50s, most likely ‘50s.  His gritty noir feel lends itself much more the shady black and white of a ‘50s pulp mystery than anything else.  It’s possible they’ll tie this version of Sandman to his successor Sand, who had geokinetic powers and prophetic dreams, but I kind of doubt it. 

Strap in folks: we’ve got a weird one here.  Hourman was originally a mystery man; a ‘40s superhero where the emphasis was on low rent homemade costumes and a single bizarre power set.  In Hourman’s case he had developed a pill called Miraclo that granted him 1 hour of super strength and increased speed, agility, and durability.  Given that Sergeant Rock is already confirmed it seems a little dubious that the original Hourman, Rex Tyler, will be the one featured in the show.  None of DC’s ‘40s heroes actually fought in World War 2 owing to Hitler’s spear of destiny granting him the power to nullify their abilities so unless that’s dropped and Hourman is attached to Rock’s unit it seems dubious. 

What’s more, this image actually features a very faded outline of the third Hourman: Tyler, a bio-android from the 853rd century.  This Hourman has time travel and time manipulation powers, including his very own time ship.  He’s one of the coolest characters ever and enjoyed a spectacularly underappreciated comic during the late ‘90s.  Overall, Hourman III seems the more likely candidate to appear, especially given fellow DC time travel characters Chronos and Per Degaton have already come into play.  However, his inclusion could imply the Legends will be heading forward into the future as well as back in time. 

You have no idea how surreal this is.  Ma Hunkel is one of those characters you never expect to see adapted to live action like Bat Mite or Fatman, someone just too weird to ever fit but here we are.  As is hopefully apparent, Ma Hunkel was initially a more comical character, created during the time when a lot of comics were just transitioning from a grittier pulp aesthetic to a more lighthearted and fantastical approach for younger children.  Ma Hunkel was a single mother who dawned longjohns and a cooking pot helmet to fight crime on the mean streets of New York in the 1940s. 

While it’s strange that Ma Hunkel will actually appear in live action given how garish her costume design is, it’s not that surprising that CW wants her around.  Given that CW has currently adapted or plans to adapt 11 different members of the Justice Society I still suspect they plan on bringing the full team into the CWniverse.  If that is the case, Ma Hunkel makes perfect sense as an adaptation as she’s often served as the curator of the JSA headquarters/museum brownstone in New York. 

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