Edited by Robert Beach
Hello, and welcome to Cover Story, diving as little into the world of comics as possible. Fox’s Batman prequel show Gotham will be returning this Monday. While I have plenty of problems with Gotham, the basic premise of following the lives of normal police officers trying to deal with the crazy criminals and rampant corruption endemic to Gotham City is pretty great. In fact, I know that’s a great premise because DC comics made it into a superb comic book in the late ‘90s called Gotham Central.
Hello, and welcome to Cover Story, diving as little into the world of comics as possible. Fox’s Batman prequel show Gotham will be returning this Monday. While I have plenty of problems with Gotham, the basic premise of following the lives of normal police officers trying to deal with the crazy criminals and rampant corruption endemic to Gotham City is pretty great. In fact, I know that’s a great premise because DC comics made it into a superb comic book in the late ‘90s called Gotham Central.
Central has done a lot in the modern era to shape the Batman supporting
universe, giving focus to characters now considered a base element of
the canon like Maggie Sawyer, Renee Montoya, and Harvey Bullock. What’s more, it’s just a superb comic
that shows how interesting a story set in Gotham city can be without even
needing the Batman. Let’s dive into the shallow end and honor Gotham’s finest with the Cover Story
on Gotham Central.